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THROUGH MATISSE’S WINDOW – Painting in the French Way


Villa Le Rêve, Vence, France

September 26 -October 3, 2021

Sadly, the ‘Through Matisse’s Window’ week planned for this fall 2020 is just not possible due to the ongoing Covid situation we find ourselves in. I cannot be confident of going forward safely so I have now with great disappointment completely cancelled our booking at Villa Le Reve. 

However ......there is some very exciting news! I have now booked the Villa Le Reve residence for ‘Through Matisse’s Window 2021 - the week of September 26 through October 2nd. I am thrilled to have this on the horizon - it gives one such hope to be able to think these special things in our life will resume. I am thinking positively.

As before, a group of ten painters will take part in a once in a lifetime opportunity to live and paint in the studios of Villa Le Reve where Matisse painted many of his most iconic works. We will enjoy the food, wine, and ambiance of Vence while furthering our painting skills in a fun and vibrant setting. Whether you are a beginner or more advanced you will feel the magic when you are truly ‘Looking Through Matisse’s Window’.

The cost is CAD $2,450 per participant for the week. The fee includes accommodation and tuition. For further information please contact me at

For those who had booked 2020….If you wish to roll your booking over to 2021 just let me know or if a refund is preferred, no problem, I am happy to accommodate your wishes.