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THROUGH MATISSE’S WINDOW 2018 – Villa Le Rêve, Vence, France


Painting in the French Way

Villa Le Rêve, Vence, France

October 7 to 13, 2018

I am very excited to be offering ‘Through Matisse’s Window’ once again this year. The dates will be October 7 to 13 at Villa Le Rêve in Vence, France. This painting week had been a long-held dream of mine and last year it came to fruition. The experience surpassed my hopes in every way – the artistic opportunity, the camaraderie among wonderful participants, the setting at Villa Le Rêve and the surroundings and cuisine of the beautiful Provençal village of Vence. I believe that we all shared the feeling that the spirit of the great painter Henri Matisse still inhabited Villa Le Rêve and fed us with inspiration. Indeed – I shall never forget the feeling of painting in the residence where he created so many of his iconic works …… and truly looking ‘Through Matisse’s Window’. I am thrilled to be presenting this week Villa Le Rêve once again this year.

There will only be room for ten students this year and I believe spaces will fill up quickly. The cost is CDN$2,150 per participant for the week. The fee includes accommodation and tuition for the six nights, Sunday, October 7 to Saturday the 13th. For further information or to book a place please contact me at